Outpatient Mental Health Treatment and On-site School Therapy in Portland, Beaverton, Salem, Bend, Eugene, Corvallis, Springfield, Coos Bay, Medford and Roseburg Oregon
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Our minds are hardwired to judge and categorize in a machine-like fashion. This judgmentalism can be pointed out towards the world as well as towards ourselves leading to negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Roseburg Therapy offers a confidential space to work on your judgmental mind and actions so that you become a stronger you.
Our minds have the power to replay our mistakes, weaknesses, embarrassing moments and failures again and again throughout our lifetime. It can also replay the bullying actions of others leading to feelings of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide. Wouldn’t it be nice to free yourself from the bully your mind tortures you with?
Because of this inherent desire to be “normal,” most people do not share their true struggles, emotions and thoughts because of the fear of not being normal, not being accepted and being judged. Roseburg Therapy offers a way to confidentially outlet these fears, thoughts and emotions so you don’t live a life of thinking there is something wrong with you when in fact, your normal.